Wednesday 12 November 2014

Gaming (console) : Xbox One vs PS4

Gaming system has developed so much, in term of the graphic, the game play, the 'real' feeling, and so on. I still remember back then, in the early 90's, when games console still been using the 'cartridge'  instead of cd, when the graphic was too rigid, and looks like nothing in the actual world.

But time has changed, Sony and Microsoft has been fighting in this war since 2001 (Sony PS2 was launched in 2000, while Microsoft Xbox was launched in 2001). And in 2013, they both has come out with a new gaming console, promising their loyal-hardcore-gamer a new kind of gaming experience unlike nothing they have produce before.

But as most of us could not afford to buy both, as the price for PS4 is around RM1400 and Xbox one is around RM1600, this comparison was made in order to investigate which one is the best (performance-wise and the worthiness of buying).

In term of pricing, as mention before, PS4 is cheaper that Xbox one. So now, lets take a look at the specification for both :

spec comparison (table source)

They both have same amount of CPU cores, frequency and mArch. But the rest of the specs were dominated by Sony PS4.

controller comparison (picture source)

 In term of the controller 'friendliness', though it is subjective for anyone, I would prefer the Xbox one as the joystick position is align with the action button position. Unlike the ps4 where the joystick position is on the lower left side of the controller, and the action button is on the upper right side of the controller. So, I pick xbox one controller in this comparison.

So, based on those criteria, PS4 has won by 2-1.

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