Saturday 1 November 2014

Technology (OS) : Android 5.0 Lollipop vs iOS 8

Comparison between the Apple's OS and Google's OS :

As Google has just released it's newest update for it's operation system (OS) early November 2014 called Lollipop, it's nemesis, Apple, has long been releasing they own OS as well, called iOS 8 on September 2014. Thus, the comparison between both of them among the users, notably the "tech-savvy" is inevitable.

Focusing on the update that will provide the user with more "user friendliness". So let's take a look into those items.

Design (total overview)
In term of the design, iOS 8 has not adopting many significant changes from their previous OS, iOS 7, which is no surprise as it was iOS 7 has already brought the many major design changes to its OS. iOS 8 has that 'flat' design, ditching all signs of skeuomorphism in favour of minimalist aesthetics.

iOS 8
iOS 7

Not much can be said about Android either as they only opted for a bit of a design change. Google has introduced a new 'Material Design' look for Android, which has also been offered to developers for use in their Android apps. Android L brings more depth to the operating system's appearance using shadows, and also automatically generates touches of color based on the content being displayed.



As for its notification, iOS8 have come up with new-interactive interface. It will provide the user with a more easy way to reply text, accept calender invitation, and even Like a FB status you're tagged in without even opening the app itself.

As per Lollipop, you'll find new, enhanced notifications. You'll be able to get them on your lock screen, and they'll be automatically ordered in priority. You can swipe them away if you want to dismiss them, or double tap to open the relevant app.

More comparison can be found by visiting this link

Personal View

As existing iPhone user, the update found on iOS8 could be seen as 'released for the matter of releasing - that's it ' as it doesn't provide their users with the significant changes that could matches what Android has long been able to offer their users. It's so frustrating, as most of the iOS8 update could be easily found on last year Android OS update.

I'm sure that many of 'Apple fanboy' like me would pretty much try out the Android for a change. Apple is not the same without their Steve Job. His innovation, creativity, and legacy was over as soon as Tim Cook took over the helm, he seems like clueless and too ignorance to adept to changes.

Something need to be done, in order to compete in this fast-growing IT world. Or else, sooner or later they (Apple) will find themselves way behind the pecking order.  

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