Wednesday 12 November 2014

Travel (France) : Amazing bus system - Aix-en-bus

As a Malaysian, have you ever wonder how other countries bus system looks like? Are they the same with us? Do they often had like a last-minute-no-show, or the bus just simply like 30 minutes late than original schedule?

We heard the story of how efficient the bus system in any major country in Europe, or US; so many times in our life, and it's nearly becoming like a fairy-tale or a myth to us - something that is so wonderful, only exist in the story book because (sadly) we never had the chance to experience that in our own beloved country.

I've used to live in Aix-en-Provence, France for almost 5 years. Lucky me, I've seen and experienced the 'fairy-tales' myself, and trust me when I said...IT'S ALL TRUE! I could not believe that it existed, a place when you feel that buying a car is just not worth it, and you pretty much will end up taking the public transport instead in your 'vie quotidien'.

So,  if you ever feel like visiting Aix-en-Provence, France (1hr from Marseille), this is some tips for you. First, when you arrived at the Centre Ville (CV), don't directly go to the rent car dealer place, instead, go to the Office de tourisme (located in the middle of CV) to buy a bus ticket, and its called "Aix-en-Bus". Depending on how long are you going to stay, buy the bus ticket accordingly. 0.70 euro for 1 trip ticket, 1 euro for aller-retour ticket, 5 euro for 10 tickets, and 20 euros for a ticket that valid for 1 months!! If you are a student, they will give you some discount on the price, but make sure to bring along your student card =)

large bus (for a long route)

small bus (for a shorter route)

There are more than 20 stops for 1 route, and the bus will come every 5-10 minutes depending on the distance of the stop, but you can just refer to the bus' schedule, and trust me, the bus NEVER LATE. It hasn't been late in my 5 years experience there.



Imagine if the bus in Malaysia were like that..with that efficiency. I do believe it will give a positive impact to our country in general, especially regarding the un-solved traffic problem, notably during the holiday season.

picture source

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