Friday 14 November 2014

Safety : Fire evacuation drill training @Proton

Every year, Proton will organize a 'surprise' fire evacuation drill training, collaborate with the local fire department (and yes, there will be the fire engine or fire truck on the scene).

This activity (drill) is :
  • To ensure all the building tenants are fully aware with the company's Standard Operation Procedure during an emergency such as fire, earth quake, building collapse and etc, and be able to evacuate the building or work place in safe within 3 minutes time.
  • To evaluate the effective of fire fighting system.
  • To save live and exit to save place without assistant.
  • To evaluate the building tenants responsive action and alertness.
  • To train the Emergency Response Team handing the crisis.

The procedures are as shown above. When there is fire, the smoke detector will send the signal to the Fire Protection System, resulting in the emergency bell rang. Everybody must leave the building, exit via nearest fire door. The given time is 3 minutes. We were advised not to use the lift, and do not run! Then everybody must go to the designated Assembly Point (as shown below). And in any point, if let say we forget something in the building, do not get back to try to get it, as in actual situation, we must save our life first. Other thing, for example smart phone, wallet, etc; we could simply buy them back, but not our live. So, remember what is the most important thing first!

To ensure that everybody in Proton participate in the drill, any staff that were 'captured' in the building after the 3 minutes of fire evacuation time is up (regardless of any reason, toilet etc), they will be punished accordingly (but for the past 3 yrs, I haven't heard of anybody left in the building after the 3 minutes time is up).

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